Centris Community Grant

At Centris Federal Credit Union, we live by the credit union philosophy of people helping people every day. We are committed to supporting and investing in organizations that directly impact the people in our communities. The Centris Community Grant Program is designed to give financial support to non-profit organizations to help them pursue their mission of serving and building a better community.

2024 Grant Recipients

In our second annual community grant program, we awarded $50,000 to the local nonprofits below who are making an impact in our neighborhoods, towns and cities.

Click on the logos below to learn more about each grant recipient.

Access Period
Heart Heroes
Hot Shops Art Center
Memories for Kids
Access Period
Hot Shops Art Center
Heart Heroes

2023 Grant Recipients

In 2023, we awarded $50,000 to the local nonprofits below who are making an impact in our neighborhoods, towns and cities.

Click on each logo to see how they’ve put the funds they’ve received to work in our community.

2024 Community Grant

The 2024 Centris Community Grant Program is no longer taking applications for this year.

Our 2025 grant application process will begin in August 2025.

If you have any questions about the Centris Community Grant Program, please email marketing@centrisfcu.org.

Grant Selection Criteria

  • Applicants must demonstrate how contributions will be used for purposes that are in line with Centris Federal Credit Union’s community pillars of Financial Education, Health & Human Services and/or Community Betterment.
  • Qualifiying programs must benefit communities within the Centris service area. This includes the counties of Douglas, Sarpy, Lincoln and McPherson in Nebraska and Pottawattamie in Iowa. This service area also includes the city of Grand Island, Nebraska.
  • Grant requests must be consistent with the values and mission of Centris.
  • Grant requests that meet the selection criteria are considered by an internal Centris review committee. Centris will only make grants to applications made by non-profit organizations with an exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3). Grants will not be awarded to the same (or part of the same) organization more than one time in a 12-month period or a maximum of $25,000 since 2023.
  • Centris may choose to fully or partially fund grant requests. Previous grant funding does not guarantee continuing support to any organization. Grants are discretionary and restricted to a specific purpose.
  • Centris will not provide critiques of proposals submitted.
  • Applicant agrees to partner with Centris on marketing and publicity of the Centris Community Grant Program through email, social media, public relations, advertising, etc.
  • All applicants must be compliant with the Equal Employment Opportunities Act.

Grant Restrictions

  • Programs and projects of charities that do not support financial education, health and human services or community betterment.
  • Contributions for scholarships or memberships in professional societies or trade organizations.
  • Individual or personal endeavors or projects or individual operations or pass through funding.
  • Participation or entrance fees for charitable events.
  • Religious or sectarian programs or groups when the grant benefits the specific organization.
  • Political campaigns, political support purposes, candidates, lobbying groups or causes.
  • Sports teams or athletic events or competitions, including equipment or uniforms related to sports.
  • School activities or school booster club donations, including bands, choirs or fine arts programs.
  • Private foundations promoting personal hobbies.
  • Organizations or programs that are inconsistent with or do not align with non-discrimination, ethics or other Centris policies, values or mission.
  • Organizations that in any way pose a conflict with Centris’ goals, programs, services or employees.
  • Contributions for state annual meetings and regularly scheduled conferences.