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Protect Yourself From Credential Stuffing

Protect Yourself From Credential Stuffing

If you are reusing the same username and password for multiple apps and websites—you may be at risk of a potential cyber threat called credential stuffing. What is credential stuffing? Credential stuffing occurs when hackers use stolen information, such as usernames...

5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Health Amidst COVID-19

5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Health Amidst COVID-19

Financial decisions can feel complex and hard even under normal circumstances. If the current market volatility has you questioning what are the “right” actions you should take now, you are not alone. Here are five concrete ways for you to jumpstart your financial...

How does the Fed lowering the rate affect your mortgage rate?

How does the Fed lowering the rate affect your mortgage rate?

By Jamie Wagner, Ph.D. In short—it really doesn’t.  Not directly that is. In an emergency meeting on Sunday, March 15, the Federal Reserve (the Fed) decided to cut rates to 0.  But what rate exactly did they cut and what does that mean for you and for your mortgage?...