Missing a payment on a loan may not seem like a big deal at first, but missing a loan payment may lead to fees and a damaged credit score. Whether you have an auto loan, mortgage, student loan or personal loan, knowing what delinquency and default are in finance is...
Borrowing and Credit
Debt Consolidation: How It Works & What It May Mean for You
Everyone is at a different stage in their financial journey, including how much debt they may have. So, could debt consolidation be right for you? This option may make paying your debt more manageable and assessing the pros and cons of debt consolidation loans is...
Credit Cards: How Many Should I Have?
When used responsibly, credit cards can be a great way to build credit or start credit history. But how many credit cards are too many, or too few? The truth is, there is no magic number for how many credit cards you should have. It’s how you use them that really...
What Is a Credit Score & Why Is It Important?
We always hear that having a good credit score is important, but do we understand how it’s used or the best ways to build credit? Credit is a powerful tool that, when handled correctly, may save us money and allow us to obtain loans, apartments and more. By further...
Cybersecurity Tips: Protect Yourself Against Student Loan Forgiveness Scams
Some people seeking student debt forgiveness may not understand the process or know which sources to trust to see if they qualify. Unfortunately, loan scammers take advantage of those individuals. In doing so, they create fake student loan forgiveness applications to...
How to Prepare for Paying Back Student Loans
In March 2020, federal student loan payments were put on pause due to COVID-19. After more than two years, the extensions will be ending on December 31, 2022, so student loan repayment will restart in January 2023. To help guide you through paying back student loans...
What is the Best Way to Finance a Car?
If you’ve ever bought a new car, I have a question for you: Did you think about financing as much as you thought about which car model to buy? Most of the time, the answer is “no.” But believe it or not, doing the research on financing a car before purchasing one is...
How to Budget to Buy a New House
Buying a home is probably one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make. It’s important to remember that what you can buy doesn’t always equate to what you may have available in your budget plans. Determining how much house you can afford involves a lot...
5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Health Amidst COVID-19
Financial decisions can feel complex and hard even under normal circumstances. If the current market volatility has you questioning what are the “right” actions you should take now, you are not alone. Here are five concrete ways for you to jumpstart your financial...