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Home Ownership

What to Do When Applying for a Mortgage

What to Do When Applying for a Mortgage

Purchasing a home is likely one of the most significant investments you’ll make, so keeping the mortgage lending process running smoothly is important! Here are six tips to follow before applying for a mortgage to ensure you close on the home of your dreams. Figure...

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Understanding Home Equity Lines of Credit

Understanding Home Equity Lines of Credit

There’s a lot of talk about using your home’s equity to your advantage. But what does that mean? Your home is one of your biggest investments and its equity can be a valuable asset! Understanding what your home equity is and how a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)...

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How to Budget to Buy a New House

How to Budget to Buy a New House

Buying a home is probably one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make. It’s important to remember that what you can buy doesn’t always equate to what you may have available in your budget plans. Determining how much house you can afford involves a lot...

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Which Type of Mortgage is Right For You

Which Type of Mortgage is Right For You

Mortgage 101 A home is one of the largest if not the largest investments you'll make. Just as you research a car or electronics purchase, the same time and attention must be put into a home, especially the financing of it. Many factors come into play when you apply...

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